Technologically challenged at times.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


There are many problems in this world, and I am so happy that none of the terrible ones are ones I am currently dealing with....I hope I am not cursing myself.  However, I am addicted to the internet.  I have a very hard time pulling myself away.  I can seriously spend all day if given the time and I do not do things that are productive.  I read blogs, plan pretend trips, try to figure out what is going on that I am not involved in....stupid shit.  I need to tone it down.  The bad thing is that I need to write a bunch of blogs for this and that, they are way overdue, and I can't seem to focus on that.

Lack of focus.  That sums it up.  Gonna try harder.

I have hired someone to clean my house.  I am a housewife, so that is pretty lame on the scale of lameness.  But it allows me to ride as much as I want, and keeps the peace.  One month and the BIG EVENTS are done.  Then who knows what life will bring.  I have no idea.  It's weird to have these huge goals that suddenly end, and to be incapable to thinking beyond it.

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