I have never done this before, but something hit a chord and I wrote and submitted the following to Runner's World:
Dear Runner’s World:
I have never written to a publication before, however, I was touched by Ted Spiker’s article “True to Size” about being a larger runner in a smaller runner’s world. I am not short, light or lithe gal….yet I compete (and sometimes podium) against people much, much smaller than me….it’s those times when I see pictures of myself next to my group of friends**, in which I look like a giant, that I am often stunned by my own size, and yet encouraged by my ability. My tagline has for years been “I’m faster than I look” and I don’t think there is any way for me to ever change what nature has given me—height, muscular legs, large breasts and a love of competition. I try to be a good role model for people who are not “typical” runners, always encouraging friends to just start and see how it goes…hopefully one day they too will discover that it is not the size or speed that matters, but the love of the sport. When people first meet me, they often assume I am running to lose weight, until they get a glimpse of my leg muscles and realize I am in it to win it!
(We shall see what they have to say....I sent in some fun pictures to enhance my statement.)
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