Tomorrow is three weeks since the accident. After about 12 really really bad days, I started to feel better....every day has been just a bit easier. I am in chiropractic treatment and physical therapy all the time....and it is helping! I can sit up, I can reach, I can walk. I still can't close my hand all the way nor can I sleep comfortably....but this too shall pass.
Oh, and as part of my therapy, I got a tattoo! On my right bicep. The tattoo is about 3" x 3"!
I am in LOVE with it. It was a gift for my 11th wedding anniversary, and it was exactly what I needed to start having positive feelings about biking because even after all of the crashing, it is what I love and I WILL BE BACK!!! I am sad that I am missing cyclocross season...but have also been so crazy busy with soccer that I am not sure how to fit it in, I will have to figure that out ahead of time for next year!
And there's the issue of the breast reduction:
I was denied, as expected. With help from the most incredible nurse at the surgeon's office, I wrote my appeal letter and it goes in the post tomorrow, so hopefully within a month I will have my surgery scheduled...I was expecting to be denied, as that is how they do things normally with pre-approval of a cosmetic-type procedure. So we shall see. The waiting game is on. I must say, though, that my letter is very compelling. They would be such assholes to deny me.
What else is going on? Oh yeah, we want to buy a new house.
We are awaiting the purchase price because it isn't on the market. And if it is in our range, we will go for it! This week my bathrooms are all getting new tile floors and there are a few other projects getting done by a handyman (step-brother) so that we can try to sell it soon, I hope. We just need to purge all the crap which is really hard when you cannot use your arms or hands....but as I am healing, I can do more.....stay tuned.
My baby turned 7 a couple of weeks
ago. I threw him the most amazing party.
It was a FOOD FIGHT. Seriously incredible fun.
I will get the link on here to the video my sister made.
Despite being just over a week after the accident, I
managed to pull it together. No idea how that happened!
My friends pitched in big-time and it was GREAT!
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