Technologically challenged at times.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oops, I did it again....

I just can't get though October without incident.  I totally cursed myself by saying I had not made it through an October in the past few years without incurring an injury, usually from trail running.  I figure since I had my bike crash, that statistically I am free from crashing for a few more years. Unfortunately that proved itself to be a falsity.

Once again, a lovely day with my lovely friends on my lovely bike.  A split second changed the course of my October (and unfortunately the next few months).  The last thought I had was "why do pedestrians step out thinking bikes can stop quickly??"  And the next thing I remember I was on the ground, unable to breathe, in terrible pain.  My last crash was in super-slow-motion.  This one was so fast!  Apparently I managed to get my gloved finger stuck in my brake (dislocating and breaking the finger, of course---likely hand surgery in my future).  Then I flew over the handlebars landing full force on my left shoulder (but hey, I removed that pesky mole without help from a dermatologist).  I am so thankful that Chrissie was there, as her ER nursing skills quickly reassured me that I hadn't broken my neck, as I had feeling and movement in my extremeties.  But pain, I was a 10/10 for sure.  All of my bones are broken.

Cue the ambulance.  My first time on a backboard in an emergency vehicle.  The guys had me take a picture of my finger, which was pointing in a direction that nature definitely did not intend.  Later a couple of numbing shots and it was popped back into place for the time being.  Never did my finger hurt.  Nor did my ear, which needed a couple of stitches and was all scraped up--the helmet totally saved my life--I hit the ground so hard.  I had a slight concussion, nothing too bad.  One of the guys lived in my neighborhood, had kids around the same age as mine at a different school.  I wonder if I have permanently damaged myself this time.

At the hospital, I was lifted from the board to a bed and whisked into xray.  By whisked, I mean I laid there waiting for quite a while.  One of the nurses realized that the bike clothes I had on were expensive, and managed to get all of my clothes removed without scissors.  Hurray for full zip jerseys!  They did have to cut off my Moving Comfort Juno sports bra, as it is nearly impossible to get off on a normal day, in fact, I have often considered cutting it off when I have had a particularly long wrestle with it.  No big deal.  They left my "DIVA" socks on so my feet didn't get cold.  I have never been in so much pain.

Somehow Kris finished biking and got to a store and to my hospital room before anyone else showed up, and still I am baffled at how she did that!  And thankful. I needed reassurance that I would be ok.  Plus, she brought chocolate that I ate as soon as I was cleared to consume anything (many hours later).  Barbie showed up next, and eventually Jay and the kids came.  I am damaging my kids by letting them see me in this condition.

When they took me to xray, the lady pushing the bed crashed into a wall.  That hurt very badly.  Remember, despite some morphine I am at a 10/10 with my pain.  Then they had to lift me to another bed.  Then roll me and stick a wedge under my spine.  It was awful.  But necesssary because contrary to my belief that I had broken all my bones, the only break was my finger and possibly my ribs which they couldn't tell from the angle of the xray, and I will be damned if I go back in there again!  Please remove this cervical collar, it is cutting into the back of my head!

Things get a bit fuzzy here.  I was in awful pain and they wanted to discharge me as soon as they could.  I was unable to move an inch!  I could not sit up and in fact just about killed the doctor when he grabbed me and pulled me to a seated position.  But I had to pee.  And the bathroom was WAYOVERTHERE!  By now it was just Jay and I in the room, and he was to assist me in getting dressed and out the door. Um, I cannot move at all!  But somehow I got to the bathroom, and passed out on the way back to the bed.  I had never had this much pain, not even in the throes of unmedicated labor.  I am not kidding.  I asked for more morphine and eventually Jay got a tshirt and some hospital pants on me.  Then they put me in a wheelchair and sent Jay for the car.  I cannot move, I am dying of pain, and you are sending me HOME?????

I had a cup of ice water, as I had barely eaten or drank since 630 that morning before the ride.  The nurse was wheeling me to the exit when the walls started closing in.  I awoke in someone's office, drenched in sweat--it was pouring off of me like I was in hot yoga.  Apparently my blood pressure had dropped and I passed out, spilling water and turning white.  So back to the room I went until I could sit up for longer.  I had a couple more episodes of fainting, but a few crackers and a juice and they called me good to go.  So to the car we went.  I cannot believe I have to go home like this!!!

Home.  Holy crap, I was a wreck.  I have basically been propped in a chair sitting against ice packs, drugged up against pain 24/7.  Finally I am starting to feel better but there are things that are impossible, like laying down comfortably.  I also get the spins whenever I lay down, it is not pleasant.  And sitting up from laying down is the absolute worst.  However, bit by bit, I am coming back to life. I still am in horrible pain, but am able to walk a bit with friends.  I can eat, unfortunately, and so  many friends brought food and cookies--gotta get back to my paleo eating asap!  I drove for the first time yesterday, and did not crash.  I am throwing a birthday party today---although not quite sure how I will manage that, hoping a few friends show up to assist. I could not get through this without my amazing friends, wow.  Hey, I can shower and get dressed now, and make coffee...and obviously despite the big splint on my finger, I can type.  I've been barely parenting...somehow the kids get to school and back, and to soccer, and all that fun stuff without giving me too much grief.  I still wonder if they will remember this when they are older, the time I got really hurt.  Will they forgive me?  Will I?  How do I get back on my bike again???  To be continued....

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